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The Center is actively recruiting highly-motivated and academically oriented post-doctoral fellows for various ongoing and new projects. Highly motivated candidates with a background in science, medicine or research and a publication record in peer-reviewed journals are sought. Candidates with a background in epithelial or ciliary biology, mouse models, live cell imaging, protein trafficking, stem cell biology, proteomics, or scRNAseq are desired. A two-year commitment is required.

US citizens or permanent residents and minorities are encouraged to apply. Priority is also given to fellows from abroad who are self-funded.

Applications and more information.

Senior Research Assistant/Associate (full time or part time)

Dr. Zhou’s lab is recruiting an experienced senior research assistant to perform various molecular cell biological experiments on polycystic kidney disease. Candidates with a background in cell culture, western blot, and DNA cloning are sought. Candidates with a background in mouse models, live cell imaging, protein trafficking or epithelial and ciliary biology are desired. A two-year commitment is required. Position is to start immediately.

US citizens and permanent residents are encouraged to apply. A minimum of 20 h/week is required.

Please send a copy of CV with GPA.

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